2016 U.S. National Kubb Championship (Part 2)

The next morning the Kubb Squirrels got up early and headed out to the pitches to get in some practice. The weather was supposed to be the complete opposite from the day before. On Saturday it was hot and sunny all day, Sunday's forecast called for weather in the low

2016 U.S. National Kubb Championship (Part 1)

The 2016 U.S. Kubb Championship (USKC) weekend started Friday afternoon with a trip to the Eau Claire Soccer Park to get a feeling for the pitches. The Kubb Squirrels (Brothers Neil, Kyle & Paul Weakland) arrived to see many teams warming up and getting ready for the next day. Many

2016 Queen City Kubb Spring Fling

In December of 2015 I moved to Norfolk, Va for a new job. Unfortunately for me this moved me further away from the Kubb universe of Wisconsin. Luckily for me, I found Kubb was starting to grow in Charlotte, NC only 5-6 hours from Norfolk. So when April rolled around